
What color are the extensions?

All of our extensions , irrespective of their texture, are a dark brown except our 4/27 Malaysian Wavy Extensions. Our extensions can be customized through darkening or lightening processes. We strongly advise consulting a professional colorist for any extension coloring procedures.

Can I heat style my extensions?
Certainly! Our range of textures offers remarkable versatility for styling. After each wash, our hair effortlessly reverts to its natural curl or wave pattern.

Is there a return policy in case of dissatisfaction?
Prior to purchase, we encourage thorough research as we do offer refunds, However exchanges are permitted within 7 days of purchase. Bundles must be in their original packaging, unaltered, and in resalable condition.

Can I straighten curly bundles?
Absolutely. We recommend a methodical approach: washing the hair first, followed by blow-drying, and then straightening. The hair will seamlessly return to its natural texture post-wash or exposure to moisture.

Are both closure and weft extensions necessary?
While installs with natural leave-out may not require a closure, they are highly recommended for protective styles or installs without any natural hair left out.

What is the expected lifespan of my extensions?
With proper care, our extensions will last two years or longer.

How many bundles are typically recommended?
For optimal results, we always advise purchasing a minimum of three bundles to achieve a full, voluminous look.
Do you sell Frontals?
No. We currently only sell closures.